Saturday, October 13, 2007

review - overdressed, caedmon's call

Like Casting Crowns, this is a group who in my opinion doesn't do anything amazing musically, however their lyrics are typically genius (in particular, their albums 40 Acres, Long Line of Leavers, and Back Home). Ever since Derrick Webb left the group, the music as a whole just hasn't been the same. With Derrick's return to the group for the album, I had huge hopes for a return to the old-school genius music, however I just wasn't that impressed. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great album, but there just isn't a song where you think, "Wow, that is a great song" (like 40 Acres = Faith My Eyes, Long Line = Piece of Glass, Back Home = Mystery of Mercy, among others). About half the album contains good songs (#1, #2, #3, #5, #11, #12), but then the rest of the songs are either just plain boring or else the lyrics are shockingly amateur.
Nevertheless, I do have to admit that I had higher than normal expectations for this album, and as a whole it is still definitely worth a listen.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Joel...i beg to differ. granted, i am a caedmon's call fan from WAY far back and i've only heard one song on the album.

but still, i really like it.

thanks for just lurking around on my blog and never commenting.

that's cool.