And we are breathing sighs of relief. Which is an interesting experience when that distinct emotion plays second-tier to those of excitement, elation, and overwhelming joy.
It seems to me that typically the relief that is experienced after the culmination of a painful waiting period would primarily bring rest. And peace. And we certainly are experiencing those at a new level today. But in a way it's like those feelings are being trampled underfoot and laid to the wayside by the rush of just pure joy.
In a strange way I also feel somewhat compensated. Which doesn't necessarily feel like the right word now that I've said it, but somehow still fits. Perhaps satisfied is a bit closer. Whatever it is, when you go through this and this and this and come out the other side with answers and solutions, there are obviously emotions that you're not sure how to express. The problem I have with compensated and satisfied is that ultimately those feelings seem to point to God's character. And I'm just not sure that He necessarily works that way. At least not all of the time. I mean, aren't there millions of people who go through the crap and never find answers or solutions? At least not in this life. Ultimately, I guess, that's one purpose of heaven.
Perhaps simply blessed is the best word. As it usually is. After the roller coaster of 3 miscarriages last year, we feel extremely blessed to be able to announce the arrival of Harper Mae.
She popped out this morning at 7:55 am after a planned c-section, weighing only 5 pounds, 12.5 ounces, and stretching out to 18.5 inches.

And as I mentioned before we obviously are absolutely overwhelmed with joy. Kari is recovering nicely and Mason is pretty excited himself.

We think of all of your prayers when we look at this little miracle. Thank you.
GuapoPapo is blessed and so very excited to meet his Harper Mae. You parental units are the cat's meow!!
Praise God. Harper Mae is absolutely beautiful, just like her mommy.
Congratulations you guys! We are so excited for you and happy to hear it went well and Harper arrived safe and healthy. What a blessing - Praise the Lord!! Tell Kari she is our prayers as she recovers, and that we hope she heals quickly. Enjoy the little moments! Can't wait to see more pictures! Love you guys!
Congratulations a thousand times over. We are so thrilled that Harper is here and can't wait to meet her! Praying for a quick recovery for Kari!
We are feeling so blessed as well, knowing that God brought little Harper Mae to you. I can't wait to hold her and tell her I love her. I believe that the three little ones God chose to keep are there with Him for us to meet someday.
Thank YOU for sharing this...Moving (Mimi tears flowing, of course)..But more to the point...Truthful...I sit here...Loving your sweet transparency... SO aware of how deeply loved you, and yes we ALL are, by our undeniably sovereign Lord!!...Blessings on you Joel.. And on ALL that is precious to you!!
Wow! You guys are awesome!! Psalm 27:13 comes to mind after reading that! Love you guys!!
how wonderful :) so happy for you guys! she's beautiful!
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