Thursday, January 1, 2009

"to repel"

The impressionability of a 3 year old is frightening. I don't even know where Mason learns some of the things he does.

Tonight we were watching a TV show where one character told another character that he was trying to repel her. Mason turns to me and says, "Daddy! Repel means that you try to make people go away."

Like I said. Frightening.


Lindsay said...

At least he doesn't run around the house yelling, "SCOTT!" I felt very convicted about the way I talk to my husband! :)

Mimi/Mom/Christy said...

Combine the thank-you video to Boppo and Grammy with this moment...the ensuing epiphany...This child is a wacky GENIUS!!

katylinvw said...

your family is adorable! so excited to find your blog! :)